Palinurus: Engaging Political Philosophy

About Palinurus

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About Palinurus
Editorial Collective
On The Political
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Utopia is on the horizon; I walk two steps, it takes two steps back. I walk ten steps, and it is ten steps further away. What is Utopia for? It is for this, for walking.
                                                   Eduardo Galeano,
                                                   Uruguayan journalist


Edited by Anselmo Carranco


Palinurus is a monthly electronic journal of philosophy and socialism. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the theoretical work in contemporary political philosophy and related fields.


In March 2006 Palinurus launched its first issue that featured the lead article ‘Minimum Utopia: Ten Theses’ by Norman Geras, which we have taken up as our political manifesto. We take it for granted that contemporary societies are characterized by relations of oppression and exploitation; relations that produce unjust inequalities to which people are subject. For which reason, we strive for envisioning concrete utopias. Thus Palinurus is committed to egalitarian and socialist ideas and values, but freed of theoretical dogma. The aim of the journal is to promote the critical debate and discussion of theoretical issues on the left, i.e., freedom, alienation, equality, justice, exploitation, autonomy, power, politics, democracy, rights, etc. It encourages the serious and informed discussion of such issues in an engaging, clear and rigorous language, aimed to reach a wide audience.


Palinurus publishes articles, interviews and book reviews in English as well as in Spanish. Contributions are welcome. Please send all submissions as a Microsoft Word attachment to the editor’s email: <          >. Last but not least, peers are invited to be part of this incipient editorial project as associate editors. We look forward to hearing from you.